Dancing Daze

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Know My Savior Lives

Our favorite Sunday of the year took place on November 14, 2010. We love when the primary children do their program, singing the songs they have learned throughout the year, and sharing the what they have focused on in sharing times.
It was fun to be back in Utah this year so that Grandma and Grandpa Turner could come and enjoy the special spirit that was in the meeting. We also enjoyed sharing our program with Halle!
Ben said, "Jesus is our Redeemer because he gave His life for us."
Sam had an extra special part as they asked his primary class to sing the song When I am baptized. His class has been preparing and participating in baptisms all year. His speaking part was, "When I was baptized I promised to take upon the name of Jesus Christ and always remember him."

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween is such a magical time of year! You get to dress up as anything your heart desires, as long as you can figure it out. Max decided two seconds before going out with his friend what they would be and then raided Terni's closet. Terni and her friend set a plan, earned money, went shopping, and then got together to put their dolls together. Sam decided long ago that he was going to be Harry Potter, and to his credit he stuck with it. Ben, on the other hand, was going to be a ghost for the majority of October, which I was adamently praising--YIPEE! However, days before Halloween he decided he was going to be Rocketship and there was no turning back. So for two days we imagined, shopped, cut, wired and eventually assembled his Rocketship. Ben was the talk of the neighborhood. Zac, was wonderful. He marvelled at the idea of dressing up and true to his three year old nature changed his mind sometimes hourly. Luckily he has three older brothers, we sifted and sorted through all of their past costumes and dress up clothes allowing him to be whatever his heart desired whenever his heart desired it.

Having lived away from family the last few years the little boys have not seen Grandma Turner's memorable Halloween costume. They still look at the pictures and say, "Grandma looks scary"! We loved Grandpa's costume, the kids especially loved when he shared his chocolate from his smore.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rome Italy Temple

This video allows you to take a virtual tour of the temple grounds. Ground was broken on October 23, 2010 with an estimated time for completion in 2013. We can't wait.

President and Sister Parker, Layne's Mission President and His Wife

This video was truly a surprise as we were searching the web for news on the ground breaking yesterday in Italy. This news story which was done by KSL 5 features Sister Parker who was Layne's mission presidents wife. They show pictures of Sister Tofia, from New Zealand, who Layne served in Terni with for six months. They also mention the choir which sang at the Vatican during Christmastime. Layne did not have the opportunity to sing with this choir as he was serving in Terni which was too far out of the city.

As a family we are so excited for the dedication of this temple. We had the opportunity to attend Regional Conference today which focused so much on the blessings of missionary work. I too would like to add my testimony of missionary work as I have seen it in my life. We have been so blessed by Layne's willingness to serve a mission. He is the incredible man that he is because of many of the lessons he learned while serving in Italy: love, compassion, patience, tolerance, dedication, and loyalty. I love the members of Italy, not because I have met them but because they helped to mold and shape one of the lives that I love most in this world.

I am so grateful that the Saints of Italy will have a temple to make ordinances in that will bless their lives throughout the eternities.

President Monson Breaks Ground for Rome Italy Mormon Temple

This video features President Monson in Rome breaking ground for the temple on October 23, 2010. As many of the memebers mentioned they didn't know that they would see this happen in their lifetime. It is a miracle for the Italian saints. I love hearing them sing "The Spirit of God" in Italian and look forward to a time when I can stand on this holy ground.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Aloha Daze

Terni decided to go on her 12 year-old trip to Hawaii. Who can blame her? It was fun to spend five days alone with her. She is quite a remarkable young woman, confident in herself and her individuality. I am always amazed at how easily she makes friends and impressed with her ability to work hard and her tenacity with goal setting and achieving. She is truly a rose among thorns as she is so different from her brothers and 100% ALL GIRL.

Terni we love you and we are privileged to be your family.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wailea Daze

We started our trip in Wailea where we stayed in a Marriott right on the beach. These pictures are the view from our room. Due to the early arrival of our flight we had some time before we could check into our room. We decided to take advantage of the Wailea shops, and grab some lunch, which was all within walking distance.

Fruit smoothies were to Terni what Guava juice was to Layne, a staple. She loved ordering fruit smoothies and she took a picture of each one. For breakfast one morning she was debating if oreo cookies really counted as a "fruit smoothie" which is how they were labeled on the menu. The waitress assured her that in Hawaii oreos were a fruit and it would be okay to have one for breakfast.

After lunch we checked in and took our first trip to the beach. We had a great time body surfing as the tide was starting to come in. Terni and I took some time to play in the sand and lounge on the beach.

We spent the entire evening on the beach as we walked along the shore, explored the tide pools that were nestled in the lava rock and finally basked as the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. Layne sat on the rocky cliffs to watch the sunset as Terni and I ventured to a beach a bit further away.

As we came back to our room a private dinner had been set up for a couple who had just gotten married. They sat under our tree by the light of their tiki torches. It was a beautiful night.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Trip to the Temple

Terni is finally twelve and with that the privilege in participating in Baptisms for the Dead. With only one day left in Utah and the Atlanta temple closed we took advantage of the closeness of the temples here in the Salt Lake Valley. Terni participated in her first baptisms in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. It was a beautiful day and the temple is, of course, amazing inside and SO Peaceful.

Max also came to participate and Grandpa Turner, who happened to be working at the temple, was able to come down and watch.

I feel blessed to be able to come to this beautiful building with Layne and my beautiful children. It keeps me focused on what is truly important here on Earth. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who has not left me alone but has given me a guide and a goal to help me maneuver through this life.
I love the temple!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

America's Birthday

When we talked to our kids about coming to Utah for our summer vacation, Max and Terni both requested to be here for the 4th of July (or more correctly this year, July 3). It made our trip over three weeks but we love being with family for this holiday. This morning started with the annual Magna parade with the Turner family, getting more candy than we needed. Then it was off to the Magna pool for a brisk swim. The water was actually quite comfortable but the wind chill in the air made it miserable to get out. The mandatory, everyone out of the pool breaks, almost did me in. We finished the night with the Turner barbecue at the Magna Stake pavilion and watched the city fireworks from that location. It was perfect for Zac, not too noisy, he curled right up in my lap and went to sleep. The next day we did it all again with the Daybells.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wasatch Back Daze

After finishing the Florida Central Ragnar in November Lori invited me to come and be on her Wasatch Back team. I've wanted to run this since I first heard about it while pregnant with Zachary (it wasn't the ideal time to run it then). So, I agreed. We planned our summer vacation around the two-day event and I ran and ran and ran to get ready. I had a great time, didn't expect too much of myself with the altitude change and set a goal to run it better, stronger, and faster next year. Anybody want to be on my team?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

Zac had the privilege of being in Utah for his birthday and celebrated with all of his Extended family. We flew into Utah late the night before, for the first time in two years, and suddenly he was surrounded by many people who loved him and he didn't know who any of them were. Needless to say it was a bit overwhelming but once the presents came out he didn't care!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


What we love about our mom.
By: Terni Daybell

Sam: "I love mom because of all the nice things for us."

Ben: "I love that mom buys us stuff when we need it."

Zac: " Even though i am a monster she still loves me."

Terni: " I love how mom is always there for us when we need it."

Max: "I love how she has always been there for me and helps me when I struggle in school"